What interested me in this report wasn't the inheritance, but this line which I shall quote here from the Straits Times report: "She had relatives here and abroad, but was not close to them, except for the nephew who visited her just about every week."
This confirms what many of us already know - most people never forget those who gave them tender loving care when no one else would, especially in their time of need. And they show their appreciation (or not) when they write their will.
I quote from another news report.
“My wife had to do everything for me. She has been coping so well and is always there for me, encouraging me and ever so supportive. I don’t know what I would have done without her.
“I must confess I never used to believe in celebrations like wedding anniversaries, birthdays, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day or any other special occasion. All meant nothing to me.
“But all that has changed now, and all I want to do now is to concentrate on my life, show my wife how much I love her, make her happy and share whatever time I have left with her and my family. I have been a good father, but I don’t know if I have been a good husband. I want to be able to make up to my wife for the time lost."
~ Comment from a husband who is on medical treatment for liver cancer. ~
We can draw so many powerful messages from these two stories, don't you think?
shouldn't the acroynm for tender loving care be TLC instead of TCL.
Thanks for noticing. A grave typo error. Much appreciated.
This story strikes a chord in my life. Although I'm in no dire need of TLC just yet (see pic of me doing a difficult yoga asana at zveloyak'blogspot.com, I've often thought of leaving my well-gotten gains to the person who sees me through to my last breath:
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