Does walking peacefully to support a cause we believe in constitute an illegal street protest? 'Yes!' according to the Peaceful Assembly Bill that was passed by Parliament yesterday. |
The people haven't occupied Parliament - yet. But we can do it through our vote. Vote in the right people to speak out for us, people who will have OUR interests at heart. |
Above: (left) Spotted this grandma and her daughter in the crowd,
(right) a small group of orang asal also turned up to show thier support.
Last night I attended a forum at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall and came away with renewed faith in people power. Everyone of us citizens has the right to vote. Please exercise this right to choose our next government.
Many of us don't take our voting rights seriously. Either we are indifferent or feel that our votes don't make a difference anyway, so why bother? The truth is, every vote counts in the final tally. It's like one mark in an exam paper can decide a pass or a fail grade. The same with our vote. It may decide if a candidate wins or loses, and ultimately, who forms the next government.
The PM and the VPM at the 2011 UMNO Assembly. Source: Bernama |
The PM has already sounded the first battle call for preparedness at the UMNO assembly yesterday, and the VPM has called the coming 13th general election "the mother of all elections", a make-or-break, do-or-die for the Malays. Stirring up racial sentiments again? Using the fear tactic again?
If you feel the current government has done much for the people, and you have faith it will continue to do even more good for the rakyat in the next five years, by all means vote the same people into power again.
But if you feel the government has consistently shown a poor track record especially in spending our money, and cannot be trusted to keep their promises, then it is time to boot them out. This is your prerogative as a citizen. You have the power of your vote. Exercise it.
Click here to check your voter information. |
Register as a voter, if you haven't yet. If you have, check that you are registered in the right constituency.
For more photos of Walk4Freedom, please check out my FB page at!/fu.lily