That was what the speakers guaranteed at the just concluded 3-day Asia Internet Congress held in Kuala Lumpur from 28-30 October. Don't have anything to sell? No problem. You can sign up for affiliate programs, sell someone else's products, and make money at almost no risk.
Sounds too good to be true?
I would have been skeptical too, except that I actually saw a real-time live demonstration of how easy it was to make about RM9000 in 24 hours. From a single website created on the spot in under eight minutes, Internet marketing experts Jo Han Mok and Terence Tan showed how simple the entire process was. If one website could make this much money in one day, imagine how much one could make by replicating the process with ten or more similar websites.
Fabian handing over the mock cheque to AGEL CARE FOUNDATION |
I first heard about Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in 2006, and attended my first SEO seminar a year later at a friend's invitation. It would have cost me RM2800. Yes, these seminars can be very pricey, but there are always people happy to part with several thousand dollars for a chance to strike it rich. It takes money to make money, right?
Coming from a very humble background, and being frugal and cautious by nature, I don't like signing up for anything on the spot, no matter how attractive it is. But that's me.
If you were there at the congress, it would have been tough to resist the tempting offers from the speakers. You could almost see the dollar signs in the eyes of those rushing to fill in the registration forms. A good number of them were older adults in their 50s and 60s. Whether young or old, everyone wants to be a millionaire, especially if all it takes is just a lift of the finger to click the mouse. No need for much technical know-how, assured two of the speakers.
Fabian Lim, CEO of ClickEvents, the organizers of the annual Asia Internet Congress, is a self-made millionaire Internet entrepreneur. In a recent interview by Razor TV, he shares his success story and offers some advice to aspiring internet marketers.
Fabian celebrated his 40th birthday on Day 2 of the congress. His birthday gift for himself - a Columbia 350 light aircraft costing S$500,000. Not bad for someone who started off as a piano player and a wedding photographer a few years ago.
If you want to check out Fabian's training programs and software products, click here. A word of caution: internet marketing is not for everyone. You must have the drive to keep at it for the first few months before you get some decent streams of income. But if you have the time and some spare cash to invest, why not? You won't find a better coach to show you the ropes than Fabian Lim.
Great that you didn't sign up anything on the spot, no matter how attractive it is. Wise advice! :-)
True, especially if u are not so internet savy, many of those well past 45 were left out and and the RM3,ooo spend is just like learning to fry the groundnut for making rojak without knowing how to make the sauce, find the fruit and cut it so as it is of saleable product! For some people who are millionaires, rm3,000 is just like $30 (Singapore money).One even cried at the end of the session to find out that Rm3,000 is to just learn that much that is build domain name, register and create a website that is not complete. Shocking and a rude awakening indeed.
That money was actually raise by Jo Han Mok and Terence after 3 day earning thro' online revenue, shown live to the participant how the RM20,000 was generated,passive income. The money was donated to AGEL CARES FOUNDATION to help single mothers in Malaysia? Maybe i should open my ear flap wider then. I thought AGEL means for the senior who hav aged? Someone even ask why not directly build a website for the foundation to get earning online while they were sleeping away. I was wondering where is the TV3 and TV1 and ASTRO when the mock cheque was handed? By the way tonight i was just discussing with somebody dont know why din see any real cheque given then. Maybe that is not the way to do things. Then there is the possiblity of the person carrying the cheque being robbed on the way back to AGEL. How nice if i am a single mother or an AGEL resident. Help is always available. Maybe some internet marketers will be kind enough to teach me then for free, passive income. Sleep and get rich. Oh....
Dear All, learn and imulate how Fabian maximize his brain thro' learning piano thus explaining how he works his way up. (see Video), he is not only creative and funny in getting his message across,and held the audiences spellbound, the fact that he can talk for hours playing with language on the same topic show how amazing and hardworking this millionaire is. Clearly Fabian is using Pavlov (Google this) Theory of learning, (Pavlov used a dog to experiment, by ringing without giving food and discover that the dog will salivate, proving that learning is best done thro repetition). And by the way Fabian RSS workshop is one of the cheapest. Someone even charge rm18,000 to teach internet marketing and if any impulsive SeniorAloud followers were to sign up, i think they will drop dead after finding that it is even harder to digest. By the way can anyone of my friends create a blog ShoutAloud?
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