Today’s the first day of 2009. Let’s start off the new year on a positive note by debunking some of the myths associated with ageing. When we buy into these myths, we are reinforcing the negative image society has of us. It’s time we put to rest these false beliefs.
Myth #1 – As we age, we become frail and sickly.Not if we take early preventive measures like regular resistance exercise, tai-chi, proper and sufficient nutrition, yearly checks for testosterone deficiency and an active lifestyle.
Myth #2 – As we age, our sexual interest and performance diminish.In a national survey of more than 3,000 U.S. adults aged 57 to 85, it was found that more than half to three-quarters of those questioned remain sexually active. Lack of sexual desire may not necessarily be age-related. Often it could be due to tiredness, stress or simply bedroom boredom. Try something different. Add a little romance, or pop a little blue pill, and enjoy the fireworks under the sheets!

Romance is for everyone!
Myth #3 – As we age, we lose our mental faculties. Memory loss, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia may afflict some older folks but if we keep physically and mentally active when we are young, we can delay the onset of Alzheimer's or stay free of it altogether.

Exercising together can be fun!
Myth #4 – As we age, it’s hard to learn new things.It all boils down to one’s attitude towards learning new things. Old people may take a little longer to figure out how to upload a video on Youtube, but they will get to it.
Myth #5 – As we age, it’s too late to make positive changes in our lifestyles.That’s just an excuse for some people to cling to bad habits like smoking or a sedentary lifestyle. It's never too late where our health is at stake.

Mama Mia! Meryl Streep turns a fabulous 60 this year!
While ageing is a natural process, and all of us go through it, the rate at which we do so is a highly individual experience. Some age faster than others. Some age gracefully, others don’t. It depends on how we approach the process.
We must not underestimate the power of auto-suggestion. As we believe, so we become. If we keep worrying about health problems, we'll not have peace of mind. If we think sexual intimacy is for the young, we’ll never get to enjoy it with our spouse. If we allow society to dictate to us how we seniors should live or behave, we’ll never be free to fully enjoy our second prime.
The MacArthur Foundation Study is the most extensive study to date on ageing in America. The results reveal that it is largely our lifestyle that determines our health and vitality. Only 30% of physical ageing can be blamed on our genes. Now that should come as good news to us. It is within our power to decide how we want to age and how long we want to live.

"Today we're living so much longer and more productively that age sixty has truly become the new age forty - the prime of life when our careers are in full swing, our minds are at their most creative, and our passions burn their hottest."
Let's celebrate LIFE, and be thankful for all our blessings.
Click here for a video preview of their dazzling 3-hour performance.
Enjoy and be inspired to live life whatever your age!
Delighted to hear that a similar process is emerging in the US as over here in the UK. We have just published a book in the UK called The Rainbow Years: The Pluses of Being 50+, Middlesex University Press, 2008.This is a workbook to help the over 50's review their lives and examine the 7 major life themes (hence the rainbow) of work,money, relationships, learning, leasure, health and spirituality. We also update a Government provided website which is free to use - www.fiftyforward.co.uk and blog on these issues at www.theplusesofbeing50plus.blogspot.com. We look forward now with staying in touch with your website and maybe swapping data. Happy New Year. Barrie
Thank you for your kind comments, Barrie. How can I order a copy of 'The Rainbow Years'? Is it available on Amazon? I would be happy to promote it on my blog.
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