Sunday, April 8, 2012


The early 1960s were my coming of age years. I learned to dance and went on my first date. My grades at school took a dip when I discovered Billboard Top Hits and our own Top 10. The music came from the local radio stations, of course, and from my collection of LPs and EPs, those black vinyl records that I would play over and over again on the turn-table. We had no TV or CD players then.

If I had some money saved, I would buy Tigerbeat. It was the #1 teen magazine then. I would cut out pictures of my favourite teen idols like Ricky Nelson and Cliff Richard, and paste them into my voluminous song-book containing hundreds of lyrics all hand-written. We had no computers then.

Just the other day I was browsing Youtube when I came across these vintage songs from the 1960s. In those days, songs were sung with emotion and lyrics held meaning. A far cry from the majority of today's top hits. Here's a selection for your listening pleasure as you reminisce on the good old days when the world was our oyster and life was ours to explore.



Then Woodstock happened in 1969. My taste in music changed, but that's another story for another day...

1 comment:

foodbin said...

i can relate to all of the above.