In this day and age, I am often amazed at the number of older people I meet who confess to being computer-illiterate. They tell me they regret not picking up pc-skills in their younger days, yet refuse to entertain any suggestions to learn. Their stock response: "Oh, I'm too old. Technology is for young people." They probably don't see the benefits of being tech-savvy at their age.

Some of the students I teach at the open university are in their 50s and 60s. They come to my Learning Skills class with zero knowledge of pc basics. But after just one hands-on session at the computer lab, they are ready to do their research and assignments using their new pc-skills. It is that easy to learn the basics these days, unlike the 1980s when we had to learn all the DOS commands to perform simple computer functions.
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Google has come up with a 'TECH SUPPORT' care package that you can send to your parents (or grandparents, grandaunts and granduncles). The package consists of short videos with simple step-by-step instructions on how to perform basics e.g. how to copy and paste (a favourite with students!) and how to make text bigger (a favourite with older folks!).
There are other categories as well, including how to access the world wide web and use online communication tools for social networking. I discovered this technical care package on Eldergadget, a must-visit website if you are interested in elder-friendly gadgets and gizmos. Or if you are looking for the top 10 pick of Christmas gifts for your friends.
There are other categories as well, including how to access the world wide web and use online communication tools for social networking. I discovered this technical care package on Eldergadget, a must-visit website if you are interested in elder-friendly gadgets and gizmos. Or if you are looking for the top 10 pick of Christmas gifts for your friends.
No more excuses to remain pc-illiterate. And welcome to a whole new world of knowledge, fun-learning and social networking.
Hi Lilly. Whew! Another Year has gone by. And so fast. Your site is so cool! (As it has been since you started 2 years ago give or take if i am not mistaken.) I still don't know how you do it! Great content and great heart, what a combination. You are the consummate blogger. It is an honor to be "blog buddies" with you. A toast to you and your amazing site, and Happy Holidays and Happy New year to you, your family and all of your readers from me and all or us at All the best, Elie Gindi
Thanks for the kind comment, Elie. It's positive feedback like this that makes all the effort worthwhile.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happy Blogging too for 2011!
hello i can spell, and read the words on screen but im in my 50s and have bad lung problems, i cannot look at the screen for more than a minute as it hurts my eyes, and gives me huge headaches is this radiation, if it is i will stop looking at these screens as i value my eyes anyone else had this problem
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