It was an easy decision to make.
If you have lost touch with friends whom you grew up with, or studied with, it's not too late to re-establish contact. With Google, Facebook, Linked-in and a host of other social networking websites, it is easy enough to search for long-lost buddies.
When my college mates and I finished Form 6 back in 1966, we went separate ways. We were too busy furthering our studies, and then pursuing a career. Before we knew it, along came the children and then one financial commitment after another. There was hardly any time for friends or social activities. All too soon the children grew up and left to start their own career and family.
So now as we move into our mid-60s, we are left with an empty nest. With the children on their own, the mortgage paid up, and a bit of time on our hands, we have no excuse not to look up old friends.
My two years of Form 6 in English College, Johor Baru, were among the best years of my life. They were my coming-of-age years. I discovered rock n roll and BOYS! I learned to dance, went on dates and had my first taste of puppy love. All very innocent though. Most teenagers then were either too naive or too goody-two-shoes to try anything more than holding hands and exchanging love letters! It's a different world now, so I hear.
At our small get-together for lunch yesterday, it was truly a trip down memory lane. We cracked up as we reminisced over the silly things we did. We mimicked our teachers, and exchanged notes on who's where now, doing what, and with whom. And we remembered with some sadness those that have passed on.
Feeling blessed that we can meet up after 44 long years! (Click on pic to enlarge)
We had such a great time we are already planning for the next get-together in Singapore, and another one later in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. One of our buddies started a newspaper there 16 years ago and has promised to organize for us a holiday to remember. If you are reading this and you are an English College alumnus from 1965-66, do get in touch with me through Seniorsaloud or Facebook. I would love to hear from you.
The next time an old friend invites you to a class reunion, GO. It might be the beginning of old friendships rekindled. Remember this quote that we used to write in each other's autograph books before we said goodbye in Standard 6 and Form 5?
"Make new friends, but don't forget the old,
One is silver, the other is gold."
And here are two more worth sharing as we enter our second prime in life:
"Old friends are the great blessing of one's later years . . . They have a memory of the same events and have the same mode of thinking."
— Horace Walpole
It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
I remember those quotes-how about this- North, South, East, West friendship is the best!
Ya, that one too!
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