Friday, February 5, 2010


Artwork for these beautiful ang pow packets is done by Myanmar refugee children in Malaysia. 3 packets (30 pieces) for only RM10. All proceeds go towards their school. For more info, go to My Beautiful Myanmar or email

It's the pre-festive season again. With the Chinese New Year coming up, companies are busy fulfilling their corporate social responsibility aka giving away ang-pows and CNY goody-bags to orphans and the aged. Ordinary folks like us can also do our part. Money, time, energy, love, clothes, provisions, whatever we can spare, we should give to bring a smile or some comfort to those in need.

CSR at work: Staff of Specialist Dental Group collecting toys for Spastic Children's Association.

Staff of Total Sports Asia visiting the aged.

When half the world goes hungry and families have no roof over their heads, how can we close our eyes, our hands and our hearts to their pleas for help? Even more so for those who have made their millions. It's time to give back some to charity.

All it takes is a bagful of rice to bring out those smiles on their faces.

And for those who have retired comfortably, do spare a thought (and your spare time or cash) for the less fortunate. After all, how much golf can you play? How many overseas vacation can you take before it finally hits you that there is more to life than spending each day indulging in transient pleasures?

If you would like to volunteer your services or donate, please scroll down the right column and look under "Volunteers and Donations Needed". There's plenty to choose from. Here are some that might appeal to you:

For RM50 a month, you can sponsor a child in a developing country. Find out more at World Vision

Help to make their wish come true for terminally-ill children at Children's Wish Society of Malaysia.

I promised MAKNA (National Cancer Council) that I would post this on Seniorsaloud, so here it is.


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