(The blog below was written as my entry in a live blogging contest, so excuse the advertorial tone :-) The eventual winners were a professional photographer and a senior graphic designer. So it was ok to lose to them, lah! Congratulations to them. I enjoyed the fun experience competing alongside other bloggers, some of whom were a quarter my age! You can view the winning entry here and the runner-up. Guess it's time to retire my ole camera.
11-year old blogger Gloson certainly wowed the crowd. He won an Aspire notebook for coming out champion in the knockout challenge quiz. He didn't participate in the live blogging, but his blog post about the event deserves checking out. His mom told me he's a published poet! I'm impressed.)
BREAKING NEWS! Coming to you LIVE from the PJ Challenge '09 Bloggers 'K'arnival here
at Jaya 33. The event is organized by the Association of Backpackers Malaysia in association with KASPERSKY LAB and MBPJ, and sponsored by ACER and SONY. Right now we are listening to Malaysia's top bloggers sharing with the audience how they got started on blogging and what drives them to continue.
A line-up of the top bloggers in Malaysia. Can you recognize who they are?
In the audience right in the front row are some distinguished silver-haired participants, including PJ council chairman Dato Wong Sai Hao. Three cheers for them! These seniors are showing that they are gung-ho when it comes to embracing the technology world.
VIP Dato Wong Sai Hao at his lap-top
A glance around the packed room shows a majority of young people. Hmmm....looks like it's about time silver surfers and bloggers need to come forth and show the world, or at least the local community that we will be a force to reckon with in the not-too-distant future.
Seniors learning all about blogging
Malaysia's #1 blogger - Kenny Sia
I do all my blogging on my old faithful ACER TRAVELMATE 3212NWXMi. Touch wood, it has never let me down all these years. Yep, my notebook lives up to its name. I literally travel everywhere with it, even overseas, together with my trusty Pentax camera. These are just about all the tools a blogger needs. Anything more is just an add-on.
Future bloggers already signing up to get an early start
Let's hope this is just the beginning of more such events for bloggers. As for me, I'll be taking up the cause of encouraging more seniors to turn silver bloggers. Let's show that we are not dinosaurs in the digital world!
;-) Lily,
Glad to have met up with you at this function.
You & this entry for the live blogging contest - reflect the meaning of passion for life in motion.
Wishing you good health and active blogging. God bless.
Thanks for the card you gave me during the "K"arnival. Nice to know another blogger within my age group. At first I thought I will be standing out among the young bloggers due to my age but it seems I was wrong. Hey!!thats my pic in your posting. Thanks for putting me in. Maybe those past 50 bloggers can group up among thenselves and talk about blogging.
Hi, Cikgu, thanks for the comment. Yep, looks like there are more of us senior bloggers than we think. Good idea to organize a get-together for 50+ like-minded folks. Will definitely kiv. Will keep you in the loop if you forward me your email & blog url.
Hi. Thank you for linking to my page in your blog post. And glad to meet you on the event day. I'm sure just like studying, age is never a barrier for technology too. Happy to know that you are into technology and blogging. Hope to see you again in any of the future events. Take care.
How time flies .. 1 lunar cycle, ago.
🌈 June-2009 ... then, 11 yrs old kid blogger .. Gloson Teh .. has grownUp. 🌈
🪄 Gloson blog: https://glosonblog.com/
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