Putting their best foot forward in line-dancing.
Don't be put off by the word "seniors". Some of them can put many juniors to shame with their energy and sense of fun and adventure. I have found this to be the case time and time again over the past year and a half since starting this blog.
The food, the music and the company made for an enjoyable night out for all who turned up. I met Katrina, my former neighbour and UM coursemate at the event. What a lovely surprise! The only downside was the glaring gender imbalance. The crowd was overwhelmingly female. The few guys who were there really knew how to work the dance floor with their slick moves.
Hey, guys, fun aside, did you know that dancing keeps you youthful and fit? Know why women live longer than men, and why they can handle stress better? You might want to change your mind and put on those dancing shoes. Your wives are in need of partners.
The lovely ladies from the Sentral Senior Citizens Association all ready to perform the traditional fan dance.
Senior citizens clubs are shedding off their image as clubs for foggies. Besides regular karaoke and dance sessions, members can sign up for tai-chi classes and computer classes. These clubs also organize overseas trips and outings to local resorts, participate in charity events and help raise funds for the needy.
Members of the Damansara Jaya Merrymakers at their weekly singalong session.
Providing music to sing along with.
If you enjoy networking socially with other like-minded seniors, and at the same time want to give back to the community, consider joining a senior citizens club or any club for that matter like the Kiwanis Club, the Lions Club or the Rotary Club.
This is what living life to the full is all about.
1 comment:
These guys are good at helping seniors set up new computers: http://modernseniortech.com/computersetup/newcomputersetup.html
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