Sunday, July 19, 2009


Magazines from A - Z, but none for seniors and retirees

Step into the magazine section of any local bookstore, and you will find a wide assortment of magazines catering to women, men, parents, teenagers and children but NONE to grandparents. Photography, fashion, fishing, motor racing, health, computers, landscaping, travel, finance, lifestyle, even cosmetic surgery – you name it, and you’ll find not one, but whole shelves of magazines devoted to the topic. Yet, not a single magazine covering retirement.

GRAND - the magazine for grandparents

Magazines for the 50+: AARP and Retirement Lifestyles

Magazines aside, to my knowledge, none of the English dailies have come out with a supplement on retirement. The same goes for government publications targeted at pensioners and retirees - I've yet to see one.

Nothing like free magazines for seniors! Today's Senior and Northwest Retirement

No shortage of topics that interest retirees - CARP and RETIREE

What does this say about senior citizens in this country? Are we not important or large enough a group to interest publishers? Is a magazine for seniors not commercially viable? Publishers should take note that there is a huge untapped market in the 50+ age group.

How about special pull-outs in the dailies for retirees?

Singapore is a small island nation, but the government-backed Council for Third Age has published several booklets with useful information for those 50+. There are at least two magazines specifically aimed at the 45+ age group.

Singapore magazines for the 50+ : PRIME and SILVER LINING

I say it's about time we seniors had a magazine to call our own. The problem is how to get publishers interested. Any takers?

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